Midlife crisis in women - what is it? Is it possible to overcome the midlife crisis in women 40 years and older


The crisis of middle age in women 40 years old is an expression known, probably, to many. A middle-aged crisis in women occurs 10 years earlier and is more difficult to tolerate than in men, due to emotionality, sensitivity and greater vulnerability.

The term “middle-aged crisis” refers to a condition that occupies a certain time period at a particular age and is accompanied by characteristic signs. For some, this period proceeds gently and imperceptibly, but for someone it is filled with poor health and mood.

Causes and manifestations of the crisis of 40 years in women

Recognize the crisis of 40 years in women by the following manifestations:

1. Frequent mood swings, unmotivated irritability appear.

2. There is a tendency to destructive introspection, anxiety, prolonged depression.

3. There is no desire to do anything, there is a constant conviction that everything is not necessary and tired.

4. It seems that it is urgently necessary to change everything: wardrobe, hairstyle, main activity, hobbies, husband.

This condition occurs in women 40 years old in connection with certain psychological reasons and life circumstances. These include the following, the most frequent:

1. "Suddenly" children grow up who have their own families and interests - there is a feeling of uselessness, unemployment and meaninglessness of existence, a feeling of rapid approaching old age is aggravated.

2. Along with these circumstances and thoughts, nostalgia arises about leaving youth, because a woman at this age still has “huge plans” and many unfulfilled desires and dreams, but the understanding comes that they may not come true.

3. Responsibility to the family inhibits actions aimed at promoting the life of some personal ambitions and hobbies.

4. If a woman by this age has no children and a husband, this period is particularly difficult. Severe depressions may develop in connection with constant thoughts that much has been lost in life, and this cannot be made up for because of age and other reasons. The absence of a family in some 40-year-old women leads to decisive vigorous action to find the "second half." This can lead to the collapse of an alien family or the appearance of the “second half” in the person of a person too young in age, which will create additional problems and feelings in the form of condemnation or contempt from others.

5. A middle-aged crisis in women who have achieved everything that they aspired and planned does not go easily. Successful women go in search of an “extra” place in life, because they believe that all the peaks are conquered and new ones no longer exist.

Possible solutions to the midlife crisis in women

Since a midlife crisis in women 40 years old is a psychological problem of a given age, a solution can be found if we ignore it and from the thoughts that arise in connection with this. You can’t ignore your condition, “endure” and wait until everything is decided by itself: such a passive position can lead not only to a general poor state and depression, but also to diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine systems, sometimes to more dire consequences .

Psychologists believe that during the crisis, there is no need to try to escape from their new state and not notice what is happening. It is necessary to objectively approach the assessment of a new life situation, accept it and continue to live in the created conditions, remaining a healthy and interesting person.

Therefore, all measures must be taken to get out of this situation with the least losses. This may be facilitated by:

- increase in rest, relaxation;

- reading new books, new information will provide an opportunity to escape from obsessive sad thoughts;

- trips to the theater, to concerts of classical music, to various exhibitions can “switch” to another wave;

- proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will improve the condition;

- Interesting courses, the attendance of which will broaden your horizons, bring new acquaintances and distract from sad thoughts;

- change uninteresting and boring work;

- come up with a hobby;

- try to turn your hobby into a small business, thereby enjoy not only yourself, but also deliver it to your customers;

- give a birth to a baby.

These are far from all the ways to solve the problem of a midlife crisis in women. You can come up with a lot of activities that will distract and give a new impetus and energy for a further happy life. It is important not to become isolated and not to isolate during this period. And remember that the crisis of 40 years in women is a gradual release of stress accumulated over the entire previous life. You can take it from a positive point of view: this is a wonderful occasion and another chance to find new talents and realize them. If you don’t change your life abruptly and instantly, you can get a lot of positive emotions and unexpected prospects.

Another aspect of the dangerous period

There is another aspect of the midlife crisis in women 40 years old. It refers, rather, to the physiological.

At this age, the appearance may change: by the age of forty, metabolic processes in the body slow down, muscle mass decreases, and the fat layer, on the contrary, increases. This process is expressed in every woman to a greater or lesser extent.

Stress and anxiety “warm up” these changes, because cortisol is formed during unrest in large quantities. This is a hormone of the adrenal cortex, which, in response to stress, is secreted by the brain part of the adrenal glands and provokes active proliferation of fat cells. In addition, cortisol suppresses the immune system, which leads to the development of a variety of disorders and diseases in the body of a woman.

A powerful release of cortisol also occurs with constant "lack of sleep", a vibrant nightlife, and the absence of proper rest for a long time.

In cases where endless sad thoughts about age, one’s own worthlessness and changing appearance are added to the listed factors, except for the emerging depression, if you do not stop this vicious circle in time, you will have to deal with serious diseases arising from the background of sharply reduced immunity, the list of which often contains cancer - "disease of sadness."

Positive thinking is an important point in solving a problem.

Therefore, during the crisis it is more important to concentrate not on what has not been done and what has not been achieved, but on the positive aspects of the past. This will give an impetus to thinking and implementing new plans, will give strength to survive this difficult period. There will be not only a way out of a crisis situation, but also an entrance to a new "era" of life. The main thing is to correctly place emphasis and try to constantly think not about what was not possible to accomplish in your life, but about what good happened during this period. In any situation, you need to find the positive side.

New relationships are one solution

The crisis of middle age in women 40 years old is accompanied not only by restructuring of the personality, but also by a change in relationship. During this period, it is necessary to correctly assess your relationship with your partner, to understand why they do not satisfy both, and discuss this. If the crisis has come at a time when there is no close person nearby, you need to understand whether you need a partner and what kind of relationship you would like to have with him, what you need to do and how to change yourself to find such a “half”.

In this difficult period, it is important to learn the psychological techniques for relieving stress - this will help slow down the aging process and prevent the emergence of new diseases.

Revaluing Values ​​Is An Important Step Towards Positive

It is very important in this difficult period to reassess the values ​​and appreciate the good that is already in life. To value, but not to take for granted that there are children and a husband, parents, friends, a favorite job or work in general. There is something good in the life of every woman on which to concentrate and appreciate it. Then it will be possible to survive a difficult time without loss for yourself and loved ones.

Despite everything, one must strive to maintain a psychological youth, try to be busy, active, enthusiastic, not to cultivate sad thoughts. And then the crisis at the exit will give new strength and energy, and, therefore, a new interesting life, or calm and poise. But life will go on!


Watch the video: Light a spark: navigating the mid-life malaise. Patricia Katz. TEDxSaskatoon (June 2024).